Otherwise known as Chionodoxa forbesii. Chionodoxas are most effective in large groups under deciduous trees and in front of early-flowering shrubs. Though short stemmed, they live long in cut flower arrangements. Either in sun or dappled shade, they will flower everywhere.
Bloom Time
 Early Spring | |
Mature Height
6 - 8 inches
Hardiness Zones
Zone 3 Hardy | |
Zone 4 Hardy | |
Zone 5 Hardy | |
Zone 6 Hardy | |
Zone 7 Hardy | |
Zone 8 Hardy | |
Zone 9 Hardy | |
Suitable Zones
Zone 3 Suitable | |
Zone 4 Suitable | |
Zone 5 Suitable | |
Zone 6 Suitable | |
Zone 7 Suitable | |
Zone 8 Suitable | |
Zone 9 Suitable | |
Zone 10 Suitable | |
 Full Sun | |
 Partial Shade | |
 Full Shade | |